Category: Site Info
Blog Migration
I’m moving this blog to WordPress to try and combat the ongoing spam comments. No, they never get seen because I vet all of them manually, but it’s getting annoying. Unfortunately, doing the migration means losing all previous comments, but since there wasn’t really that much here, I don’t see it as a big problem…
Abandoned? No, just ignored….
lessons in system configuration
I started setting up the box last week with custom-compiled versions of Postfix, Dovecot IMAP server and several other packages. Now I’m starting to configure things to closely match the existing mail server, including Samba. This makes some administrative tasks a bit easier, like updating some web pages (this basically only hosts SquirrelMail and PostfixAdmin).…
New site layout complete!
Almost finished….
Site Going Live
Back from the Storm
Almost back up….
More downtime
Service Down – finally back up